Privacy Policy

At PhD Thesis World, we prioritize your privacy. We ensure that your data is secure and protected. Therefore, we request every student to read our privacy policy carefully before using our services.

This privacy policy is solely for our online activities, this may include- the information that we collect and share online. Only our online visitors are entitled to this policy and it does not cover anything that has been shared or communicated via offline mode.


When you opt for our services, it is deemed as your consent to our policy on collecting and using your data. For more information regarding our policy, feel free to contact us.

The information we collect

Any information that we collect, or ask you to provide will be cited by reasons why we need them. When you fill out our online form or choose to register with us, you are asked to provide the following information:

  • Your contact information
  • Your name
  • Country name
  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Service type you want to opt for
  • Any additional message you want to tell us

Here is how any of your information is utilized by us.

The information that we collect online is used in the following ways:

  • To run and maintain our website
  • To enhance and grow our website
  • Develop new services and products based on clients' feedback and reviews
  • Send emails
  • To contact you, through the contact information provided by you, could be for many reasons such as:
    1. To address your queries
    2. Provide you latest updates regarding our services and newly launched programs
    3. For sending updates about the website
    4. Marketing and promotional purposes
  • To identify and prevent fraudulent activities

Log files

When a visitor visits our website, we use a common method known as log files to store information about the visitor. This is a typical practice by all hosting companies as part of their service analytics. These log files are not connected to any personal information and they can’t be identified as well. The data that log files collect include:

  • IP addresses
  • Browser types
  • Internet Service Providers (ISPs)
  • Date and time of visit
  • Pages visited before and after
  • And the number of clicks

The primary goal of collecting this data is to analyze online trends, operate the website efficiently, track user interactions on the site, and compile demographic information.


PhD Thesis World uses cookies. These cookies hold information such as visitors' preferences and which pages they browsed on our website. The only aim of these cookies is to provide you with the best experience on our website and tailor our services and content based on your preferences.

Information Technology Rules of 2011

We follow the Information Technology Rules of 2011 and hence collect data only after your permission and also provide reasons why your data is being collected. We use the collected data sole purpose to serve you, keep it safe from unauthorized access, and let individuals see and correct their information.


  • PhD Thesis World is not liable if our users misuse the materials we provide. Our writers do not accept responsibility for consequences such as:
    1. low grades
    2. Plagiarism
    3. Rejection of work
    4. Or academic penalties like probation, expulsion, or loss of scholarships

    It means that if you misuse the materials we provide, you are solely responsible for any negative consequences that may result.

  • If in case you are satisfied with our work, we are here to help, please look at our revision policy for more information about the same.